Air Time
Pigeons are one of many creatures that have been named ‘cultural followers’ by scientists because of their ability to thrive in environments transformed to suit humans. I would like to build on this term and suggest that they are also cultural contributors. Air Time offers a different look at urban wildlife and the potential that co-habitation offers for innovation. At the same time, it acts as a reminder that the extraordinary can be done with ordinary things and a little ingenuity. It seems clear that humans have an impact on other species, but what about their impact on us? I like to think of the shifts in culture that take place across species as adaptive collaborations.
For Air Time, I have built instruments based on the historic tradition of Chinese pigeon flutes. These flutes are lightweight, usually made of bamboo or gourds, and attach to the tail feathers of pigeons. As the pigeons fly, the air passes over the flutes’ apertures creating sound. In its final form, Air Time is an installation with a video projection and the soundtrack of the pigeons playing the flutes, digital photos, my handmade flutes, a sculpture and a poster.
A live, rebroadcast performance took place at The Power Plant, Toronto 2010, in conjunction with the exhibition Animal Intent curated by Helena Reckitt.